Welcome to "Are You Serious?"

Poets & Writers: Post your original work to get feedback and gain recognition.

General Public: "DO" Blog about whatever issue moves you. "Don't" Post status type messages. There are sites where that type of "writing" is acceptable & (even) expected. This Blog/Group is definitely not one of those sites. We love our members, readers, and anyone who takes interest in our blog - yes. However, we do try to keep the blog moving in the most intelligent, thought provoking, and creative direction as is humanly possible. Social Network sites are better suited for the un-intelligable words of "Share something new."

Readers: Post your feelings/thoughts about anything you've read. If the original post was a piece of "work" (poetry/writing) then let the writer know what you think about their work. If the original post is "opinion" or any other "topic-oriented" blog then, by all means, add your thoughts to whatever issue was posted.

No Matter who you are or what your motives are for being here so long as you have an IQ to back up whatever thoughts or opinions you put up on the board and, as long as you are not an ego, pride-driven superstar without any other fans besides you and your mom, everyone should enjoy being here and have fun with whatever the plot is that they are thickening to taste.

Now, buckle up (I have a tendancy to blow up the joint once in a while). I am looking for many other like-minded (twisted) individuals to help this place find a location on the map. Any map...

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

We need some action on this board

We need some action on this board. Why is it I'm the only one who ever posts anything? Well, I have another story to tell, but right now my son is sick and needs his mother to be with him so it will have to wait a while.  Trust me it won't make you smile. It really ticked me off when I figured it all out and put all the pieces of the puzzle into place. Let's just say someone had the audacity to turn me in to medicaid/dws (food stamps) which I have never, ever, had to utilize in my entire life because I've always been fortunate enough to have a good job or been lucky enough to break the law and not get caught. I believe in carrying my own weight and not relying upon anyone for help. That's my values though I've had to eat humble pie more than a time or two during my lifetime. But never have I had to stoop to depending upon state funding to survive. I wouldn't have to but me and my husband are separated and I make a whole $96.00/wk on unemployment. That doesn't cover the costs of gasoline and personal hygiene items (believe me) in and of itself. So I am also self employed as an Intuitive/Medium. I don't see very many clients (very sporadic in getting clients and it's by no means an income I could say I can count upon) not only that I am probably the cheapest in my field billing only $25 per half hour. I have taken a loss every year I have been doing this mind you. I spend more on supplies than I make in revenue. That said, someone had the nuts to turn me in as being self employed to the state as if I was trying to scam the state out of the benefits I was getting from them. As if! I am a Spiritual person and I am a very honest person. I don't do things like that. Everything I get I absolutely need and I actually need more (cash would be ideal) but they were only going to pay me an additional $99.00 per month while making me run around for 40 hours per week (using fuel I have no mone to pay for) looking for work etc.  I already have a full time (from 9am to 2am) job that doesn't pay anything. What do they know about me or my personal issues and/or life situations to go and deciede I am doing something wrong without first confronting me. That is the epitome of a pussy right there. Non-confrontational (in an assertive way not passive aggressive way).  Anyway, I will give details next post or maybe reply to this one.

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